Nexus Programme: take a deep dive into your business


  • A physical copy of the Core Purpose Manifesto
  • Seven consultancy/ workshop sessions, most lasting about 3 hours

  • Writing, design and supply of a Manifesto document

  • Six 45-min monthly accountability sessions following the Programme

  • Your own copy of The Entrepreneurial ScaleUp System by Kevin Brent & the team at BizSmart
Each business will complete the programme with the following:
  • a clearly defined Vision, Purpose and Mission statement
  • a clearly defined set of Core Values (one word, one sentence)
  • a clear understanding of the kind of authentic culture you want to create in your business
  • a plan of how to embed the work into your business
  • a communication plan on how to get the message across both internally and externally
  • A bespoke Manifesto

What is it?

The Japanese have a word: Ikigai.

It can best be defined as ‘a motivating force; something or someone that gives a person or organisation a sense of purpose or a reason for being.’

Most organisations can articulate what they do, how they do it and who they do it for.
But not all understand and can clearly communicate their ikigai – why they exist, what they stand for and the impact they want to make.

But it’s those fundamental elements that drive them, shape them, inform their decisions and actions and creates a compass – a North Star – the guiding light by which they live and breathe.

A nexus is the point where different things or ideas come together or intersect – a central or focal point. Consisting of between six and eight facilitated sessions (each around three hours), the Nexus Programme is an opportunity for business leaders and their team to explore, unearth, define and communicate their core purpose, values and culture – how those values are lived out across the organisation.

Each client will complete the programme with the following:
– a clearly defined Vision, Purpose, Mission and Impact statement
– a clearly defined set of Core Values (one word, one sentence)
– a clear understanding of the kind of authentic culture they want to create in their business
– a strategy to embed these across the organisation and
– a Manifesto: a short 8-page document that communicates these to the chosen audience.

The ultimate value is going through this process is to enable a business to understand their true competitive advantage, hire and retain people who are a great fit, align a team around a set of meaningful and actionable values and win clients


The first session is a chance for the company’s founders or directors to reflect on their journey so far. You’ll take a look back at the story of the company, from its inception to now, and assess where things stand today. It’s an opportunity to see what’s stayed the same, what has changed, and what the future may hold.


Session two is all about the company’s core values. The wider team will come together for a deep dive into what the organization stands for. Using a unique process, you’ll determine and define the core values and aim to leave the session with full agreement on the one word and one sentence that encapsulate the values that underpin the company.


The founders or directors will reconvene for session three, this time focusing on the future. You’ll begin to determine a baseline Vision, Purpose, and Mission statement that they’ll take to the wider team in the next session.


The wider team will come together in session four to create and sign off on the Vision, Purpose, Mission, and desired Impact of the organization. It’s an opportunity for everyone to work together to define the company’s direction and goals.


Session five is a chance for the founders or directors to review the program so far and discuss the Manifesto in depth. For larger organizations, this is also a time to plan for the next session on authentic culture and address any practical considerations.


In the final session, the wider team will focus on defining and agreeing on how the vision, purpose, mission, and values are understood, communicated, and brought to life across the organization. This is a strategic session that will shape the company’s culture for the future.


Writing of a bespoke Manifesto document. The writing is done in Google Docs to ensure version control and, once signed off, the Manifesto is designed. It’s revised until sign-off.
Upon completion each client will have:
– a PDF of the Manifesto to send via email or have as a download from your website
– a PDF of the Manifesto to send to a commercial printer
– each page as a graphic for use on Social Media
– any stock images we supply will also have to use across any ongoing marketing
– continued access to the Google doc
– a 1-page ‘How to use’ document


Once the Manifesto is signed off and some copies printed, this shorter session involves the whole team and is designed to celebrate the end of the Programme, look back and reflect on the journey and, if appropriate, the Manifesto will be formally presented at this stage.


Following completion of the Programme there will be six 45-minute accountability sessions – one per month. These are critical to the lasting impact of the Programme and are non-negotiable. The focus of these will be unique to each client but the overall aim is to provide ongoing support in any challenges faced and to keep on track with the plan and the goals that have been made.

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